Written by Janay White, MA
Microlectures are short, instructor-produced videos that are designed to provide effective explanations of a single concept or specific skill set (ACUE, 2020). The short videos (approximately 5 minutes) are easy to integrate into the curriculum, can be used as a component of online, blended, or face-to-face instruction, and can be combined with other learning activities to reinforce the lecture topic.
Practical uses can include introducing a topic, raising awareness, or piquing curiosity (EDUCAUSE, 2012).
See this video about the elements of an effective microlecture.
Benefits for Students:
- Videos can be used as a resource for explaining key concepts or demonstrating difficult techniques.
- Students can focus on a single topic without distraction.
- Format encourages instructors to be concise in their presentation.
- Can create a sense of instructor presence and help online students feel connected to the instructor (Boettcher & Conrad, 2016; Nilson & Goodson, 2018; Scagnoli, 2012).
Benefits for Instructors:
- Easy to create.
- Brevity of videos gives instructors the ability to make quick edits and updates.
- Lectures are reusable and can be easily shared.
- Format allows for detailed explanation of complex concepts.
How to Prepare Microlecture:
- Determine learning objectives. Determine what students should know or be able to do after watching the lecture. Consider using Bloom’s Action Verbs.
- Decide what will be shown in the video. Options include demonstrations, digital whiteboard lessons, narrated slides, and animated voice narrations.
- Write a script. Writing a script helps you stay on track. If reading the script takes longer than 10 minutes, consider breaking the lecture into smaller videos.
- Record. Provide an overview, present material, and recap key points.
- Caption. Add accurate captions to your video. Some programs provide automatic captioning.
- Upload. Save to your computer and/or to a cloud-based storage program.
- Embed. Add a link to the video to your course.
Tips for Recording:
- Don’t try to be perfect. Mistakes make you human.
- Maintain an upbeat tone of voice.
- Discuss concepts in small, manageable chunks.
- Use frontal light. Record so your face is illuminated.
- Be aware of background and setting.
Demonstration (recorded by phone)
Virtual field trip (recorded by phone)
Digital whiteboard demonstration (screencasting tool with whiteboard and pencil)
Narrated slides (screencasting tool)
Visually-oriented story (Adobe Spark video)
Animated voice narration (Powtoon, Moovly)
Additional Resources:
Association of College and University Educators (2020). Plan and record engaging Microlectures. https://acue.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Section-5_PG_Record-Microlectures_CFIN.pdf
Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R.-M. (2016). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass.
Nilson, L. B., & Goodson, L. A. (2018). Online teaching at its best: Merging instructional design with teaching and learning research. Jossey-Bass.
Scagnoli, N. (2012, November 1). 7 things you should know about microlectures. Educause
Learning Initiative. https://library.educause.edu/resources/2012/11/7-things-you-should-knowabout-microlectures
For more information, please see the OED Teaching Resources website or contact us here.